Fancy your own ZUPERDEHLIE on the wall? Look no further!

You can now order prints or ready framed prints directly from the FORMAT Prints Marketplace! See details below or access to shop right here!

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Get your exclusive ZUPERDEHLIE print @ FORMAT Marketplace!

Professional Prints

Prints are printed on lustre Kodak "E" ENDURA professional photo paper with a fine grain pebble texture. This is the standard surface paper, or you can opt for Kodak "F" ENDURA professional photo paper with a glossy finish. Photo prints are made using archival, pigment-based inks. A selection of ZUPERDEHLIE prints right here!

Framed Prints

Framed prints are made of 100% wooden frames with perfectly cut mats and scratch-resistant glass. Choose from a wide array of wood frames to match your favorite print. Photo prints are made using archival, pigment-based inks. Arrives at your doorstep ready to hang. A selection of ZUPERDEHLIE framed prints right here!


Check out here to find answers to all questions regarding printing, shipping, tracking. etc.

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